Your transaction may be subject to the Cape Town Convention and the International Registry if it involves...
- An Airframe type certified to transport at least 8 people or goods in excess of 2750 kg
- A Helicopter type certified to transport at least 5 people or goods in excess of 450 kg
- An Engine (turbine or piston-powered) with at least 550 rated take-off shaft horsepower
- An Engine (jet propulsion) with at least 1750 pounds of thrust
Other Considerations
- Is the Aircraft registered in a Contracting State?
- Is the Seller or Debtor situated in a Contracting State?
As of February 22, 2019, eighty (80) countries and regional economic organizations have ratified or acceded to the Convention.
We can help you determine if you have a Cape Town Transaction. If you do, we offer all the support you need to navigate this complex area and protect the priority of your financial interest.